Membership Benefits
Membership in FWEA offers great opportunities for individual and professional involvement in a versatile and active environmental association. FWEA, along with the Water Environment Association (WEF), offer a wide range of resources for individuals to contribute to the water environment profession.
FWEA and WEF membership categories provide for tailored memberships to meet your specific needs. All members are considered Professional Members with options and features offered that are best suited to your particular situation and interests.
Learn more about each of the FWEA membership categories. If you are ready to join, download the membership application or join online.
We welcome you to FWEA and look forward to your support and involvement!
Membership Benefits
- Education & Training: The Florida Water Resources Conference ( as well as several seminars and workshops are offered yearly. As a member, you receive discounted registration rates to all educational offerings. You may also enhance your participation in these events by joining a planning committee, displaying an exhibit booth, or presenting on a technical topic. Earn Credit for Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
- Networking: Through local chapter luncheons, workshops, seminars and conferences water quality professionals can connect locally, regionally and nationally.
- Build Leadership Skills: Though involvement in FWEA's Technical and Management Committees. Committee members derive tremendous personal and professional benefits by interacting with their peers and senior leaders in our industry and by contributing together in the overall activities of the Association.
- Publications: Florida Water Resources Journal: The Florida Water Resources Journal ( is a monthly print publication for water quality professionals that is published jointly by FWEA, Florida Section AWWA and the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association. In it you will find all the latest news on the Florida water quality industry as well as technical articles and proceedings from past seminars and conferences.
- Discounts on publications: Such as WEF Manuals of Practice, Standard Methods and other training materials, periodicals and technical publications.
- Opportunities for recognition (Awards Program): Professional accomplishments are recognized annually for outstanding personal efforts, achievements, and technical advances.
- National Benefits: By joining FWEA, you also automatically become a member of our parent organization, the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international environmental organization located in Alexandria, Virginia. Receive discounted rates to attend WEFTEC, specialty conferences and purchase publications. Members also receive the monthly publications, WEF Highlights and Water Environment & Technology.
FWEA is a member association of the Water Environment Federation (WEF).