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The Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA) began its existence in 1941 under the name Florida Sewerage and Industrial Waste Association. Subsequent name changes over the years are reflective of the evolution of public attitudes about wastewater management and the environment.  Membership has grown over the years and today our membership exceeds 1,300 clean water professionals.  Our local chapters, student chapters, committees and Utility Council help to unite Florida's clean water professionals responsible for protecting the environment through education programs, professional development and promotion of sound public policy.

Over 70 years after its creation, FWEA continues to make historic differences in the advancement of the water environment, science and technology, making it a leading professional water organization in Florida. Our history says a lot about the leadership, dedication and hard work of the members of this organization


May 2017

Times flies when you're having fun!  As we wrap up the past year and start a new year for the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA), it hardly seems as if it has been a year since the last Florida Water Resource Conference (FWRC).  Seeing everyone at this year's FWRC provided us with a time to reflect on the good times we had, the relationships we maintained, new friends we met, and the opportunity to continue learning about our environmental profession.  However, this year's FWRC was special for me as I was nominated and elected as FWEA President.  As I told the folks who were in attendance at Tuesday's Luncheon and Annual Meeting, thanks to each of you for providing me the opportunity to serve as your President.  It is a true honor to have been nominated and a privilege to serve.  On behalf of the entire FWEA Board of Directors, we believe in a bottom up organization.  We are here to help you, to serve you, and to celebrate the successes both big and small with you.

Participating in FWEA as an officer on the local Chapter, Committee, Executive Committee, or as an active member in any of the above, it is voluntary.  Most are members of FWEA because someone asked, but for those of you who are active participants it is because you chose to be, you want to serve, and you want to contribute.  So to all of the volunteers, who had a part in FWEA's past successes, thank you!  It comforts me that I am surrounded by great officers in FWEA with years of experience in the profession and with FWEA.  The presidents preceding me led the Association forward through both good and challenging times.  It is strong leadership and dedicated involved members that have allowed us to realize the successes these past years.  Mark Twain said, "Thunder is impressive, but lightning does all the work."  While WEF, the national organization, and FWEA as a state member association may be the thunder spreading the message, YOU are the truly the lightning piercing through your local communities - striving to be the best of the best.

As part on the coming year's goals for the Association we would like to start:

  • An "Emerging Technology Committee" with a focus on committee members from the manufacturer and equipment representative sector,
  • An Operators Committee to better address the needs of that segment of our organization, and 
  • A Contractors Committee to take advantage of the experience that they bring to the table.

Tim Harley, P.E.

FWEA President