Member Relations Committee

The Member Relations Committee works to promote FWEA as the preeminent water quality authority in Florida.

Our Mission Statement: "The Member Relations Committee facilitates information exchanges between our members and the industry. The committee is a resource for FWEA members to advertise their activities; providing support through the use of media including the Florida Water Resources Journal (FWRJ), the FWEA website, and our Facebook page. Our committee works with chapters and committees to develop programs to promote and enhance FWEA membership and assists the Board in accomplishing the objectives set by the Membership Action Team."

They accomplish this by:

  • Facilitating the transmittal of information, data and general news about the organization to the FWEA membership and interested stakeholders.
  • Preparing monthly FWEA articles for publication in the Florida Water Resources Journal (FWRJ).
  • Coordinating the publication in the FWRJ of articles from FWEA Chapter and Committee Chairs.
  • Coordinating the publication of FWEA activity announcements in the WEF’s WE&T.

  • Coordinating dissemination of FWEA news items on the FWEA website.

  • Review and maintain FWEA website.

Committee Chair

Lindsay Marten, PE, LEED AP
(941) 365-5500