PE Tip Sheets

This is a collection of Tip Sheets written by the Public Education Committee and originally featured in the Florida Water Resources Journal.

title description
PE Tip Sheet Number 1 How to Write a News Release
PE Tip Sheet Number 10 Forming and Utilizing a Speakers Bureau
PE Tip Sheet Number 11 Tips for Effective Public Speaking
PE Tip Sheet Number 12 Utilizing Community Forums to Deliver Your Message
PE Tip Sheet Number 13 Stats on Tap
PE Tip Sheet Number 14 Credibility Matters
PE Tip Sheet Number 15 Passionate Professionals
PE Tip Sheet Number 16 Consensus Building
PE Tip Sheet Number 17 Award Winning Public Outreach Efforts
PE Tip Sheet Number 18 Listening to Your Stakeholders
PE Tip Sheet Number 19 The Role of Public Education in Preventing Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater
PE Tip Sheet Number 2 How to Conduct a Successful Press Briefing
PE Tip Sheet Number 20 Should You Use Social Media to Get Your Message Across? 
PE Tip Sheet Number 21 Yes, In My Backyard - A Colorado Utility Finds that Public Involvement Paves the Way for Construction Projects
PE Tip Sheet Number 22 Florida Yards & Neighborhoods - A Win-Win Situation
PE Tip Sheet Number 23 How to Write a Feature Story
PE Tip Sheet Number 24 Science Project Competition Encourages Budding Scientists and Engineers
PE Tip Sheet Number 25 Developing a Public Outreach Program
PE Tip Sheet Number 26 Engage the Public You Serve - Practical Outreach Techniques
PE Tip Sheet Number 27 Influencing Public Opinion
PE Tip Sheet Number 3 A Media Relations Primer (Part 1 of 4)
PE Tip Sheet Number 30 Public Information Versus Public Education - Is There a Difference? 
PE Tip Sheet Number 31 Talking to Kids About Water Conservation
PE Tip Sheet Number 32 Blog On - Should You Join the Conversation? 
PE Tip Sheet Number 33 There's No GPS for Navigating the Media: You Need Knowledge and Training to Stay on Course
PE Tip Sheet Number 34 Public Education and Environmental Regulation
PE Tip Sheet Number 35 Workforce Concerns Challenge the Water Environment Sector
PE Tip Sheet Number 36 Public Trust and the Importance of Your Rate Increase Message
PE Tip Sheet Number 37 FWEA Public Education Awards
PE Tip Sheet Number 4 A Media Relations Primer (Part 2 of 4)
PE Tip Sheet Number 5 A Media Relations Primer (Part 3 of 4) 
PE Tip Sheet Number 6 A Media Relations Primer (part 4 of 4)
PE Tip Sheet Number 7 A Writer's Style Guide
PE Tip Sheet Number 8 More Tools for Your Communication Toolkit
PE Tip Sheet Number 9 Planning for Disaster Communications