Public Communications & Outreach

The Public Communications and Outreach Committee facilitates information exchanges between our members and the public on water environment issues. The committee is a resource for FWEA member public education efforts, providing support through the development and implementation of programs and materials that members can utilize to enhance their public education efforts.

The Committee's goals are to: 

  • Promote Water Environment Quality in Florida
  • Educate students, stakeholders, and the general public about the Water Quality Profession through engaging the public and secondary education involvement
  • Promote Sound Public Policy

The committee works to accomplish these goals through several programs and projects:

Biosolids Infusion Unit
Public Education Awards
Public Education Resources
Science Teacher Outreach
Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Water Festival
World Water Monitoring Challenge

Committee Officers

Chuck Olson
Neel Schaffer
Point person for Science Teacher Outreach and Biosolids Infusion Unit

Past Chairs
Dr. Phil Kane
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
(407) 897-4156

Julianne LaRock
South Florida Water Management District
(561) 682-6747

Tim Madhanagopal
Orange County Utilities
(407) 254-7724
WEF/PCOC Liaison

Vice Chair

Christie Hesse
Orange County Utilities
(239) 224-0780

Alex Maas
Heyward Florida, Inc.


Stockholm Jr. Water Prize
C. Frank Wyche
(813) 245-8191

World Water Monitoring Challenge
Katie Hallas
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
(850) 245-8432

Public Education Awards
Julie Karleskint
Hazen and Sawyer
(941) 378-2862

Ruth Burney
CDM Smith
(954) 776-1731



Biosolids Infusion Unit

Biosolids are defined as the residual material remaining after wastewater is treated. The FWEA Public Communications and Outreach Committee has formed a Biosolids Outreach Subcommittee. The Subcommittee's main purpose is to formulate materials and programs that will help educate the public about the beneficial use aspects of Biosolids.


Science Teacher Outreach

The following resources are beneficial for science teachers:

Florida Association of Science Teachers
Florida Marine Science Educators Association
Florida Sea Grant Library
Florida 4H Marine and Aquatic Education

Please contact the Public Communications Outreach Committee’s Science Teacher Outreach lead with any questions.


Stockholm Jr. Water Prize

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize SJWP is the most prestigious international youth award for a high school water science research. Its purpose is to increase students' interest in water-related issues and research, and to sensitize them - as future leaders - to global water challenges. The International SJWP was founded by the Stockholm Water Foundation. HRH Crown Princess Victoria is the patron of the prize. In a royal ceremony, during World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden, the international winner receives $5,000 USD and a blue crystal sculpture in the shape of a water droplet, crafted by Hanne Dreutler.

In the United States, the Water Environment Federation WEF and its member associations, host the U.S. SJWP competition with support from ITT Industries, The Coca-Cola Company and Delta Airlines. WEF member associations select state SJWP winners and sponsor the student, and student's teacher travel to the national competition.

FWEA Participation
For over ten years, members of the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA), through the FWEA Public Communication and Outreach Committee (PCOC), have worked at the local and state level to facilitate the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition.

The U.S. competition begins each school year during regional high school science fairs in each state that are affiliated with the International Science and Engineering Fair. These regional fairs feature science projects in 14 scientific categories. Many FWEA members participate as judges at these regional fairs throughout Florida, seeking projects that fit the criteria for the Florida Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition.

The event is open to projects that aim to improve the quality of life by improving water quality, water resources management, water protection, water treatment, wastewater treatment, water education, or the social-related aspects of water. Projects may focus on local, regional, national, or global topics.

Florida Statewide Competition
Regional science fair participants whose projects fit the criteria are encouraged to enter the statewide Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition this year. Click here for more information or contact the Public Communicatins and Outreach Committee's Stockholm Jr. Water Prize lead with any questions.