Wastewater Process Committee

Nutrient Removal Enhancement 
Using Process Automation at Holly Hill
The City of Holly Hill, near Daytona Beach Florida, owns and operates a wastewater treatment plant that utilizes biological nutrient removal to meet effluent limits. The City initiated a process automation project to ......... to read more click here.

Wastewater Treatment Plants of the Future:
Current Trends Shape Future Plans
The wastewater industry faces many new challenges that complicate the near- and long-term planning decisions. Increasing energy costs, trace organic compounds, finite resources, water conservation and ........to read more click here.

Wastewater Process Committee:

The mission of the FWEA Wastewater Process Committee is to support the FWEA mission in the areas of wastewater process design and operations. This shall include educating the Florida public on the environmental engineering principles and operating methods employed to achieve a clean water environment; developing wastewater design and operations professionals through technical seminars, workshops; the presentation of technical papers at the FWRC, WEFTEC and other conferences: publication of technical papers in technical journals including the FWRJ; and supporting the FWEA Utility Council in promoting the application of sound scientific principles to environmental regulation.

The Committee’s goals are to:
  • Promote environmental health and safety in the State of Florida.
  • Educate students, stakeholders and the general public about wastewater process through engaging the public and secondary education involvement.
  • Promote sound public policy.
  • Educate the public about the environmental profession, specifically in relation to wastewater treatment.

The FWEA Wastewater Process Committee has concluded our inaugural wastewater seminars.  We'd like to thank all our members, volunteers, presenters and attendees for making our initial roll out extremely successful.  Please visit our webpage from time to time for updates and announcements for future events.

Committee Officers:
Laurel Rowse
Ivy Drexler
Pinellas County
Ivy Drexler
Pinellas County
Tim Ware
Kevin Vickers
Hernando County
Secretary / Website:
Matthew Love
Wade Trim