FWEA and WEF believe that individuals and groups should be recognized for meritorious achievements in our industry. Each year awards are given out in a variety of categories recognizing both individuals and organizations. You may nominate yourself or another person or group for these awards.Awards will be presented during the FWRC WEF Awards, Lifetime Membership Presentation, and FWEA Awards Presentation May 4 - 7, 2025.
CREATE AND EDIT NOMINATIONS:1. See the list of awards below along with application guidelines.2. Complete the appropriate Nomination Form. 3. Click the "Submit Nomination Form" below to upload a new nomination form or edit an existing one. 4. Save or submit your nominations. SUBMIT NOMINATION FORM Nominations will be accepted from NOVEMBER 01, 2024 - JANUARY 31, 2025. EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 15, 2025 for all awards except YP of the YEAR. If you have questions about an award, please reach out to the Sponsoring Committee Contact listed below. |
Albert B. Herndon Award Outstanding Performance in Industrial Pretreatment | The Albert B. Herndon Award is presented annually to an FWEA member who has excelled in the field of industrial pretreatment. | Industrial Pretreatment Committee Dustin Chisum | Albert B. Herndon Award Criteria Albert B. Herndon Award Nomination Form |
Biosolids/Residuals Program Excellence Award Recognizes excellence in all areas of biosolids management | The FWEA Biosolids/Residuals Program Excellence Awards recognize excellence in all areas of biosolids management. The categories and criteria for selection allow for consideration of a broad spectrum of programs with sound management, effective communication to stakeholders, and community-friendly practices. The purpose of these awards is to recognize and promote the safe management, public acceptance and beneficial use biosolids. Possible award categories include: a. Large Operating Projects, processing greater than 5 dry tons per day b. Small Operating Projects, processing less than 5 dry tons per day c. Technology Innovation and Development d. Research Program e. Public Acceptance Program | Biosolids Committee George Dick gdick@brwncald.com 727-452-9725 | FWEA Biosolids/Residuals Program Excellence Awards Nomination Form Biosolids Award Application Form Award Competition Rules |
Wastewater Collection System of the Year Award Recognizes Utilities for Exceptional Effort | This award recognizes utilities for significant accomplishments fostering excellence in the operation and maintenance of wastewater collection systems. The award is intended to encourage utilities to provide adequate resources and excellent practices within their wastewater collection systems. Awards are presented in three different categories based on the size of the population served: Under 10,000 served, 10,000 to 100,000 served, and Over 100,000 served. | Collection Systems Committee | Collection System Award Application Collection System Award Criteria |
David W. York Reuse Awards & OneWater Professional Award
| The FWEA Water Resources, Reuse and Resiliency (WR3) Committee honors utilities, customers and organizations for their commitment to, and their accomplishments in, developing, using and/or maintaining exemplary reuse programs. Also, the Committee recognizes a water resource professional for advancing the concept of OneWater in Florida. | Water Reuse, Resources and Resiliency (WR3) Committee Shanin Speas-Frost | Awards Program Criteria and Form |
Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers (FSSSSS) | The Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers was founded in 1956 by David B. Lee to recognize industry professionals for their outstanding, meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty to the Florida Water Environment Association, previously known as the Florida Pollution Control Association. The Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers award is an award of the Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA). Nominees must be a member in good standing of the Florida Water Environment Association at the time of their nomination. | Florida Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers Patrick Murphy pmurphy@plantcitygov.com 813-707-2349 | Nominations are by members of the FSSSSS. |
Earle B. Phelps Award Outstanding WWTFS Performance | The Florida Water Environment Association gives the Earle B. Phelps Award annually to recognize wastewater treatment facilities, which have maintained the highest removal of major pollution-causing constituents prior to discharging, treated effluent to receiving waters. For the past several years Awards have been given in three treatment categories:
The awards will consider plant size in the evaluation. Nominees will be evaluated against treatment facilities of the same relative size and treatment type. If nominations merit, Awards will be given for small, medium and large size plants within each treatment category. | Jason Hopp | Nomination Instructions Application Form Daily Flow & Lab Data Form DUE FEBRUARY 15, 2025 |
Environmental Stewardship Award for Odor Control Recognizes utility for good environmental stewardship to the public. | The utility receiving this award shall demonstrate good environmental stewardship to the public within their community as a result of an exceptional odor control project or program. 2015 is the inaugural year for the award. Previous Recipients | Air Quality Committee Darryl Parker dparker3@leegov.com | Selection Criteria |
Golden Manhole Award | This award is presented to individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the art and science of Collection System operations through the operation, maintenance, design, construction, management, planning, education, training, or certification of collection systems operators for FWEA's inauguaral Golden Manhole Award. Requirements: The nominee must be a member of FWEA and exhibit significant participation in the following areas: Operations, Maintenance, Education, Training, Certification, Design, Management and Planning of Sewer Collection Systems. | Collection Systems Committee Oscar Bello oscar.bello@stantec.com 954-650-0164 | Nomination Form Award Criteria |
L.L. Hedgepeth Award Outstanding Industrial Wastewater Operator | The L.L. Hedgepeth Award is presented to an outstanding industrial wastewater operator. The scope of this award includes not only industrial wastewater treatment systems, but also industrial wastewater management programs. Candidate should have direct technical responsibility and not only managerial and administrative responsibilities. Pollution control is not only achieved through wastewater treatment systems, but often through in-plant controls and water management practices. | Industrial Pretreatment Committee Dustin Chisum | L.L. Hedgepeth Award Criteria L.L. Hedgepeth Award Nomination Form |
Leroy H. Scott Award Exceptional contribution by an Operator | The Leroy H. Scott Award is given to consider the work of wastewater treatment plant operators who are members of the FWEA and to nominate the operators who made the greatest contribution to his/her fellow operators, or who did the best job in operating a plant, regard less of its size or available equipment. If the Committee deems no one worthy of the award, it shall give a negative report. | Jamie Hope jamie.hope@frwa.net 352-318-3321 | |
Norm Casey Scholarship Award | This scholarship is awarded to winners of FWEA's Student Design Competition | Student & Young Professionals Committee Jissell Muir | Award goes to competition winner |
Public Education Award for Organizations and/or Events Promotion of environmental awareness and public outreach | The Public Education Awards recognize organizations or events/campaigns for significant accomplishments that foster and support the development of public outreach programs as well as integrate public education as a core element of wastewater/water utility planning and management. The award is intended to encourage utilities and other organizations to incorporate public education and outreach into their operating plans as well as provide examples of successful public education programs and best practices. The Public Education Award for an individual was renamed the Thomas T. Jones Public Education Award. This award was named in honor of Tom Jones, a long term member and past chair of the FWEA Public Education Committee who passed away suddenly. As a past recipient of the Public Education Award, Tom shared his love for teaching and promoting the environment to school children, teachers and the public. Tom was a true example of promoting environmental awareness and public outreach which is the purpose of this award. Previous Recipients | Public Communications & Outreach Committee Julianne LaRock | Public Education Award Application Public Education Award Criteria |
Ralph H. Baker Award | The Ralph H. Baker Award is presented annually to an FWEA member who has done outstanding work in membership recruitment. It honors Ralph Baker who for so many years has devoted his energy, wisdom and humor to the advancement of the public health interests in Florida. | Joan Fernandez | |
Safety Awards Utilities Who Maintain Exemplary Safety Programs | Facilities from all over the state of Florida compete for the opportunity to receive a plaque recognizing the excellent safety programs that are in place all over our state. Awards will be given for exemplary safety programs in all categories (A, B, C and D) for domestic wastewater treatment plants. Each category will have a first, second and third place winner. | Safety Committee | Award Application (Word) |
Samuel R. Willis Award Recognizes an individual for heroism | The Samuel R. Willis Award is given in recognition of Samuel R. Willis who in November of 1976 risked his life to save another human being and in the process sustained personal injury. | Awards Committee | |
Utility Management Award Recognizes utilities for best business practices and operational performance excellence | Utility Management Committee | Application | |
YP of the Year Award Recognizes an outstanding FWEA Young Professional member. | The FWEA YP of the Year is an outstanding young professional that shows leadership, initiative, technical knowledge and actively participates within FWEA. Previous Recipients | Students and Young Professionals Committee Jissell Muir jissell.muir@arcadis.com 305-586-3411 | YP of the Year Nomination Form YP OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS FOR FWRC 2025 ARE CLOSED |
WEF Awards
The Water Environment Federation proudly promotes opportunities to recognize individuals and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the water environment profession and to the Federation through their Awards and Recognition Programs. For a list of WEF awards, CLICK HERE. Below is a list of some of the more prominent WEF awards.
Name of Award | Description | Sponsoring Committee/Contact |
William D. Hatfield Award | The William D. Hatfield Award is presented to operators of wastewater treatment plants for outstanding performance and professionalism. The award was established in honor of Dr. William D. Hatfield, Superintendent of the Decatur, Illinois Sanitary District, who was President of the Central States Sewage Works Association in 1944-45 and served as President of the Federation in 1958-59.
| Awards Committee |
Quarter Century Operator Club | The Quarter Century Operator Club recognizes operators of wastewater treatment facilities for their service and dedication in a difficult and dangerous profession. The Club was created under the sponsorship of Frank Woodbury Jones, who served as the Clubs' first registrar. | Applications are made directly through WEF. Download application forms here: |