The Southwest Chapter supports and serves FWEA members located in Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry and Lee Counties. We strive to provide activities that reflect the FWEA goals of uniting our members with the public through public awareness and outreach, providing professional development and networking opportunities, and creating alliances to promote sound science-based public policy.
Our annual events include:
The Southwest Chapter also proudly supports the FGCU U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering through continued contributions to our endowed scholarship fund from our annual charity tournaments.
If you are interested in supporting the chapter as an Annual Gold Sponsor, please visit HERE.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Florida Water Environment Association - FWEA Southwest Chapter Fall Dinner! A special thanks to our guest speakers Don Woodruff (Bonita Springs Utilities Inc), Sarah Catala (IMMOKALEE WATER & SEWER DISTRICT) and Dave Watson, PE, MPA (Charlotte County Utilities) and moderator Jason Sciandra, P.E., PMP (City of Fort Myers) for the outstanding insights on how their utilities deal with rapid growth and aging infrastructure!
Boston Red Socks at Minnesota Twins!
Details coming soon! More Info
Tom Meyers
FJ Nugent
(239) 224-8422
Vice Chair
Cassidy Botelho, EI
Black & Veatch
(239) 789-2002
Bryan Thaggard, PE
(941) 441-7203
Past Chair
Bryan Thaggard, PE
(941) 441-7203
Students & Young Professionals Liaison
Kylee Kavanagh, EI
Hazen & Sawyer
(239) 788-9401
Marc Lean, PE
(239) 939-1020
Tad Rogers, PE Hazen & Sawyer
(239) 788-9401
PCOC Liaison
FGCU Faculty Representative
Dr. Ashley Thomson
(239) 745-4390
Director At Large Dustin Chisum, PE Ardurra
(239) 849-5093
If you would like to know more about the Southwest Chapter please contact us!
Interested in volunteering with FWEA?
Click the link below to fill out an interest
form today!