Water Resources, Reuse and Resiliency

About Us

The new Water Resources, Reuse and Resiliency Committee (WR3) grew out of the One Water concept when the Water Reuse and Integrated Water Resources Committees merged to meet the current industry trends. As before, the Committee is dedicated to providing technical education and professional development programs for Association members through seminars, workshops, and access to technical experts in the field of Water Reuse, Integrated Water Resources, Water Supply, Water Conservation and Resiliency. The committee meets regularly by teleconference to discuss technical and regulatory issues and events happening in the community. Check out some articles of interest in the Florida Water Resources Journal below! 

Key committee activities include:
• Conducting  integrated water reuse and stormwater topic based Seminars
• Selecting and Presenting the David W. York Water Reuse Awards
• Organizing WR3 Round Table to focus on integrated projects (water reuse and stormwater) at the Florida Water Resources Conference in April or May of each year.

FWEA Water Reuse Awards
In 1992, FWEA established the David W. York Water Reuse Awards to recognize outstanding water reuse projects in Florida. Projects are evaluated by members of FWEA’s Water Reuse Committee based on environmental quality management, water reuse system, and public education/information aspects of the submittal. The FWEA Water Reuse Committee will also nominate the Florida winners for consideration for national awards presented by the WateReuse Association at the annual WateReuse Symposium.
Since then, awards for Reuse Person of the Year and Reuse Customer of the Year have also been awarded. Awards are given out at the Florida Water Resources Conference’s FWEA Awards Luncheon that occurs each April or May.

Water Reuse and Stormwater FWRJ Articles of Interest
The Florida Water Resources Journal, published monthly, is a publication of FWEA, the Florida Section of American Water Works Association, and Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators Association. The Journal dedicates each August issue to conservation and reuse. If you have any news, articles, or events for the journal please contact them at admin@fwrj.com. Below are some recent articles of interest.

  • Go to the FWRJ Online to see these full articles complete with photos and figures.

2024-2025 Committee Officers

Madeline Kender

Director at Large
Yanni Polematidis

Hai Vu
Communications Lead
Diego Labarca   

Shanin Speas-Frost

Virtual Seminar Lead
Diego Labarca

Digital Content Lead
Kevin Carter
Past Chair/Website Coordinator
Ryan Messer

Interested in volunteering with FWEA?
Click the button below to fill out an interest form today!

Volunteer Interest Form

WR3 Committee Sponsors