
Committees Advance the Water Environment Profession

Nearly 20 committees plan and carry out the work and goals of FWEA. Volunteering on a FWEA committee is a great opportunity for you to build leadership skills, gain industry recognition and help shape the water quality field.

Each committee focuses on a different aspect of wastewater management. Whether you want to participate in water quality, be involved in policy making, or help with planning seminars and programs, there is a committee for you!

Are you interested in joining one of the committees? You may contact the committee chair below or complete this interest form. FWEA membership is required. 

Air Quality Committee

The Air Quality Committee develops and conducts educational programs related to air quality and odor control within Florida's wastewater industry. A key focus of this committee is to educate the industry on cost effective odor control systems. The high growth rate in Florida has resulted in POTWs being surrounded by housing or commercial developments. As the quality of life in these communities improve, cost effective odor control at neighborhood and master lift stations has become important. The committee includes recognized experts in the field of air quality and odor control and conducts an annual workshop to educate the industry on the latest technology and tools for cost effective solutions.

Committee Page


David Hunniford
V&A Consulting Engineers, Inc.
(941) 928-3421

Awards Committee


The Awards Committee coordinates the nomination and selection of award recipients for FWEA and WEF awards. The committee also oversees the awards luncheon at FWRC. They make recommendations to the FWEA Board of Directors regarding the revision or elimination of existing awards and the introduction of any new awards. 


Katie Templeton, P.E.
(904) 882-1815

Biosolids Committee


The Biosolids Committee promotes education, networking and sound public policy in the field of biosolids while advocating proper management of biosolids by utilities, haulers, land appliers and other biosolids end users. The Biosolids Committee develops technical education seminars. In addition, the committee routinely conducts conference calls to keep their membership informed. The committee also coordinates with the WEF Residuals and Biosolids Committee to disseminate national information to local members.

Committee Page


Manuel Moncholi, PhD, P.E.
(832) 880-6263

Collection Systems Committee


The Collection Systems Committee (CSC) educates and informs the Wastewater Collection Systems Industry regarding trends in collection system design, management, operation, and maintenance. They do this through the development conference programs, training materials and seminars. In addition, the committee facilitates the advancement of standards and methods used for the design, construction, operations, maintenance and management of wastewater collection systems in Florida.

Committee Page


Samantha Hanzel, P.E.
(405) 639-9774

Contractors Committee


The Contractors' Committee serves as a resource for FWEA members on all things related to construction in the water/wastewater industry. This committee seeks an increased level of direct communication between contractors and Owners/engineers to help one another in the advancement of our industry. This includes providing information on the current state of the industry from a contractor's perspective, including key parameters such as labor and equipment resources, cost volatility and subcontractor availability. The Contractors' Committee also engages in discussion regarding the different procurement methods and practices leading to a greater understanding of how this affects the quality, schedule, and cost of the end product that the Owner receives. 


Josh Burns
Wharton-Smith, Inc.
(407) 402-7528 

Manufacturers and Representatives Committee (MARC)


The MARC is for individuals whose companies either manufacture or are manufacturers' representatives of equipment for the water industry. The MARC promotes the interests of the manufacturers and representatives with the FWEA committees, chapters and the Board. The committee strives to educate FWEA members on technology which is valuable to changing industry demands.


If you are interested in leading this committee, reach out to 

Events/Media & Member Relations Committee


The Member Relations Committee facilitates information exchanges between FWEA members and the industry. The committee is a resource for FWEA members to advertise their activities; providing support through the use of media including the Florida Water Resources Journal (FWRJ), the FWEA website, and social media. The committee works with chapters and committees to develop programs to promote and enhance FWEA membership and assists the Board in accomplishing the objectives set by the Membership Action Team.


Melody Gonzalez, E.I.
Black & Veatch
(786) 226-3960

Membership Action Team


The Membership Action Team works to develop and implement programs to increase the value of FWEA membership to all members.


David Hernandez, P.E., ENV SP
Hazen and Sawyer
(305) 443-4001

Operations Challenge Committee


This committee provides training and education for operators and maintenance personnel through involvement in the Operations Challenge. Operations Challenge is an annual competition between utilities and consists of process control, safety, maintenance, collections and laboratory events. The committee helps to organize and implement the competition at a local level.


Chris Fasnacht
Orange County Utilities
(407) 254-7724

Public Communications & Outreach Committee (PCOC)


The Public Communications and Outreach Committee facilitates communications between our members and the public on water environment issues. The committee is a resource for members looking to enhance their public education efforts, providing support through the development and implementation of educational resources.

PCOC seeks to educate the public, particularly students in grades K-12, about the clean water profession. This is accomplished through several projects and programs including the high school video contest, Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP), Biosolids Infustion Unit (teacher curriculum) and promoting WEF PCOC initiatives.

Committee Page


Arpita Meher

Safety & Security Committee


This committee is responsible for promoting safety in operations. This is accomplished through educational programs, papers and awards. 


Steve Johnson
(727) 365-9089

Students and Young Professionals Committee (SYPC)


The Students and Young Professionals Committee (SYPC) develops and implements programs to increase the activity and membership of students and young professionals within FWEA. Involvement and participation within the committee is vital since this group of individuals is the current and future leaders of our industry. The SYPC Committee carries out this mission by:

  • Implementing the Student Design Competition at FWRC and awarding the Norm Casey Scholarship
  • Organizing SYP activties at FWRC, including the poster competition, YP Workshop, YP Social, and SDC. 
  • Conducting the FWEA Internship Program
  • Administering the Young Professional of the Year award
  • Facilitating and coordinating events for students and young professionals across the state

Committee Page


Jissell Muir, E.I.
Arcadis U.S., Inc.
(305) 586-3411

Training and Continuing Education Committee


The Training & Continuing Education Committee serves as the sponsor and approver for training and continuing education opportunities for operators and professional engineers.  They ensure programs provided by FWEA are of high quality and value to the FWEA membership.


Kenny Blanton, P.E.
Hazen and Sawyer
(407) 362-1101

Utility Council


The mission of the Florida Water Environment Association Utility Council (FWEAUC) is to assist its members in achieving sound public health and environmental goals for the millions of users they serve in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The Council works for the reduction and elimination of water pollution in Florida and supports the adoption and implementation of effective wastewater legislation, regulations, and policy primarily at the state and federal level. In particular, the goals of the Council are to:

  • Establish collaboration that will unite public wastewater utility interests for the purpose of defining and pursuing common objectives.
  • Support and encourage responsible, efficient and cost-effective wastewater management and the stewardship of natural environmental systems.
  • Inform and educate officials, policy-makers and regulators in the problems and needs of Florida’s wastewater utilities.
  • Advance knowledge in the management and technology of municipal wastewater utilities by the collection and exchange of information.
  • Promote better understanding on the part of the public of the need for efficient wastewater utility management.
  • Develop more effective public service by encouraging the establishment of sound policies related to wastewater collection, treatment, reclamation, and disposal.
  • Coordinate the activities of individuals, corporations, and other groups or associations which tend to further and implement the policies and purposes of the Council.

Visit the Utility Council Website


Kevin Carter
Broward County Water & Sewer
(954) 856-3879


Chad Revis
(850) 270-5938

Utility Management Committee


The Utilities Management Committee, or UMC, works to promote efficiency and excellence in utility management. Committee members include representatives from utilities, manufacturer representatives, and consulting. UMC is an active committee, providing educational outreach in the form of workshops, like the management workshops, and though numerous vehicles such as webinars and working with other committees. 

Committee Page


Elizabeth Keddy, P.E.
Hazen and Sawyer
(813) 653-6163

Wastewater Process Committee


The FWEA Wastewater Process Committee supports the FWEA mission in the areas of wastewater process design and operations. This includes educating the Florida public on the environmental engineering principles and operating methods employed to achieve a clean water environment; developing wastewater design and operations professionals through technical seminars, workshops; the presentation of technical papers at the FWRC, WEFTEC and other conferences: publication of technical papers in technical journals including the FWRJ; and supporting the FWEA Utility Council in promoting the application of sound scientific principles to environmental regulation.


Manasi Parekh, P.E.
(904) 4318-9028

Water Resources, Reuse and Resiliency (WR3)


The Water Resources, Reuse and Resiliency (WR3) Committee grew out of the One Water concept when the Water Reuse and Integrated Water Resources Committees merged. The mission of the Committee is to provide a platform for innovative discussions in the field of water reuse, integrated water resources, water supply, water conservation and resiliency by providing technical education and professional development programs for Association members through seminars, workshops, and access to technical experts in these fields. The committee meets regularly by teleconference to discuss technical and regulatory issues and events happening in the community, and holds a technical seminar and/or a technical round table yearly. The WR3 committee also publishes a quarterly electronic newsletter - The Droplet.

Committee Page


Madeline Kender, P.E.
(813) 943-1940